This post is a bunch of firsts. My first lined dress and first invisible zipper.
The dress is Simplicity 2404, an Amazing Fit pattern, I had to lengthen the bodice by 1 1/4 inches, and let out the seams at the side and back, while taking in the bodice (pear shape). I like it with the lining, and it's nice and loose so it's great for work. It's a pretty simple dress, but the plaids took me forever, I think I had to sew each seam twice, in order for everything to line up. I was very thankful for the 5/8 inch seam allowances on this one.
here's the back, I don't have an invisible zip foot, and wasn't very picky about putting it in, so it's not perfect, but the plaid matches pretty well (the bodice is separate pieces from the skirt)
The fabric was a find from Trade Me (NZ's Ebay), I think it was about $10. The lining cost more than that. It doesn't wrinkle, and holds its shape well. I apologize for the lack of accessories (and shoes) I got my husband to take a quick pic before I headed out for work.
I take my LO to daycare every morning on the train, so I generally don't wear jewelery (he pulls on it), and my clothes need to be pretty loose and comfortable, especially because I wear him on my back in a podegi, and it's a bit of a hike to the train station and then to daycare (about 30 min each way).
My son also wore homemade clothes, his pants are a simple underlined elastic waist pant, shortened a bit for summer. He loves animals, and likes to point out the fish. I made the t-shirt for when the Vancouver Canucks were in the Stanley Cup finals this year, we can't get toddler canuck gear over here, and I wasn't about to pay for shipping. It's a variation on the 90 minute shirt.
So far so good for the seamless pledge I have to go shopping this weekend for shoes and socks, but I'm not making those, and I have a gift certificate for the mall, so I'm not really buying them myself :)
We're heading to Napier in Feb for the annual art deco festival, so I've been busy looking up patterns for costumes. I'm pretty excited, and my husband wants me to make his outfit too, so I'm going to be busy.